Sunday, 5 January 2014

How to See Life in a Beautiful Way

Life is very precious. It can be broken and built with the click of a button. That's how life is.... It's beautiful.... How rain can make a rainbow. How a smile can change a day. Life is important. Everyone will get a chance to live it. Dream, Dream, Dream Big... Life is Good!


  1. 1
    Take a nature walk. Do research on you town or cities trails and recreational parks and areas. Check online or your local listings. You can enjoy nature on foot or on bike or roller blade. It's not overly important how you travel, just as long as you can soak up the wonder of a peaceful journey. The world is out there you just have to see it.

  2. 2
    Create a bucket list. This helps put all your dreams into sight. Things you may forget that you even want! Set time limits along with your goals to help motivate yourself. Find inspiration the best way you know how, from looking through magazines to talking with your friends.
  3. 3
    Think of the positives. Even if you agree with the teachings of the book or not, you can agree that positive thinking encourages positive results. So look on the bright side. Become an optimist!
  4. 4
    Spread the word about love. Love is one of the most important things in the world. Love is very passionate and very powerful and can can triumph even over the roughest days. Remind yourself whenever things get tough that their are things to love, yourself included. Have a special little dessert that you love, or look through old family photos and realize that you and your family wouldn't be here with out love.
  5. 5
    Don't worry be happy! Engulf yourself in positive music! Music has an amazing physiological effect on a mind, and sad music fosters depression. Try to avoid depressing music, especially when your blue already. Here are some upbeat songs that you can listen to anytime for a boost:

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