Clare Evans, 24, from Newport, South Wales was complaining of abdominal pain and called her out-of-hours GP surgery.
They advised her to visit the doctors in case it was a kidney infection. When she arrived she was asked to give a urine sample. but when she went to the toilet her waters broke.She was examined and doctors could see a head and said she was 9cm dilated. Her contractions were so close together she was unable to go into an ambulance, so she gave birth in the GP's treatment room with the baby delivered by her GP and partners and the surgery staff. She also managed the 30 minute birth with no pain relief. Baby Erin Louise Roberts was born weighing 6lbs 12oz. Despite the shock of finding out she was pregnant, Ms Evans says she loves being a mother. 'I love motherhood, even though it was completely unexpected I wouldn't change it for the world' she said.
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