Sunday, 19 January 2014

Parents warned of alarming Smarties snorting

Sugary treat: Smarties contain no addictive ingredients and do not provide a high when ingested

Parents in Rhode Island are being warned of a dangerous craze that involves middle-schoolers snorting Smarties. 
According to officials in Portsmouth Middle School, the trend is a 'widespread phenomenon' that has been sweeping YouTube in recent years.

A search of the popular video-sharing site has revealed hundreds of clips where kids are seen crushing the beloved round candies into powder before sniffing them. 
The Smarties snorting trend is by no means a new phenomenon; some of the YouTube videos date back to at least 2007. 
In one video posted in 2010, young boys are seen making lines of Smarties dust similar to cocaine and snorting the sugary powder through a rolled up dollar bill. 


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